Taking a Break from Reddit

by captainfisticuffs

Hey everyone. You probably saw my recent post about my recent dive into the Reddit community, but to sum it up real quickly in case you haven’t, I had been lurking (browsing but never posting or commenting) on Reddit for a several months, so I recently decided to make an effort to start posting and commenting more on Reddit. That way I could actually contribute to the Reddit community. And honestly . . . it’s not going so well.

Last night I decided that I would post a couple of image macros on Reddit just for fun. In hindsight, I totally regret it. It’s not like my posts were met with harsh criticism or anything. In fact, I didn’t really get much of a response. However, something happened when I was sitting there waiting for a response on the post. I felt a type of anxiety I hadn’t felt in a long time, a type that I had during a very rough time in my life. I don’t know why I would get so worked up over something so simple as posting some memetic material on the internet, but this has felt like some kind of a red-flag warning for me. Call me paranoid, but that’s what it felt like.

All this is to say that I’ve decided to take a break from the addictive world of Reddit. Something about last night made me feel very uneasy about Reddit. I need to get away, at least for a little while.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I will take solace in my God and in music.