My Practice Blogfolio

by captainfisticuffs

Instead of posting a picture alongside this post, I figured that it would be fun for you to listen to some music with it. But I wouldn’t want to force you to listen to something I picked out for you, so I simply ask you to listen to a song that makes you really really really happy.  (If you need a recommendation or are simply curious about what I would choose, click here please.) So put those headphones on, hit play, get happy, and start reading.

It only seems like only a couple of months ago that the semester began, and in reality, it’s only been a couple of months. While thinking about the end of the school year, I found myself reminiscing about my newly-begun journey as a blogger. Again, it’s only been a few months since I started this blog, and I have already amassed 4,000 words of original writing (4,600, if you count what you’re reading now). I know it’s not that impressive, but being someone who usually doesn’t engage in much casual writing, I am impressed in myself. And apparently it’s already time to look back and recall my fondest moments while writing. I guess it’s a good idea for a writer to frequently bring to mind his or her past writing and reflect on it. In my case, I was quite fond of the few posts I made about music as music is a subject I am wholly passionate about. Those posts were some of the easiest to write simply because of my interest in the subject.

So without further ado . . . my (practice) Blogfolio:

My Favorite Comment on Another’s Blog: My Organized Mind’s “How Tennessee Helped Me Get Over My Fear of Making Mistakes” – Here, I found myself really examining myself and my behavior. My Organized Mind helped me uncover a bad habit of mine that I would really like to rid myself of. I probably never will, but it never hurts to try.

Another’s Blog Post that Inspired Me: Once again, My Organized Mind’s “How Tennessee Helped Me Get Over My Fear of Making Mistakes”, for the same reasons as before.

My Most Intellectually Stretching and Analytical Post (#1 Strongest): “Does Art Need an Audience?” – This post was a response to a socratic class discussion about writing, art, and other deep, thought-provoking topics.

My Personal Favorite (#2 Strongest): “Music.” – In this post, I got to combine a personal narrative of my musical education with a discussion on why music is awesome. I also got to list some of my favorite musical works, or simply works that were on my mind at the time. Writing this blog post was a pleasure and a joy.

My Best Use of Images: “An Unintentional Fasting” – I put photos alongside all of my posts, but this picture, artistically portraying the exact problem I discovered after the events covered in the post, was the most relevant in relation to its accompanying post.

My Best Use of Hyperlinks: “Exploring the Blogosphere” – My first blog post also had the most effective use of hyperlinks. I used hyperlinks to easily refer readers to articles I was discussing, as well as to familiarize readers with the musical works of Joe Hisaishi. ( I suppose this Blogfolio also has some good use of hyperlinks too. . . .)

I’ve come a long way from the beginning of this semester. However, this is only the beginning. All of my blog-writing thus far has been for assignments for my composition class, but I feel that I want to continue writing in my blog well past the conclusion of the class. As for what I’ll write about, well . . . I’ll figure that out when the time comes.